If you work in a profession that requires safety glasses, we have the latest in styles, as well as, the correct lens for protection.
According to a 1999 report by Prevent Blindness America, there were approximately 48,000 sports related eye injuries requiring emergency room care.
In addition, we examine for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases.
If you have "pink eye" or other types of eye infections, Dr. Steinberger can treat most eye diseases right in the office.
Glaucoma can also be treated in our office. Most people can be treated for glaucoma with eye drops. Children are carefully examined for visual problems, eye strain, and eye coordination problems like amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eye). We use the latest computerized instruments to assist in testing for refractive errors (glasses or contact lens prescription) and for checking the health of your eyes. Laser vision correction exams are also performed to see if you are a good candidate for the laser procedure. Your Westlake Village neighborhood optometrist!